Yahweh says "I will bless those who bless Israel and curse theose who curse Israel. It will be through you that all the families of the earth will be blessed.

Anti-Semitism Awareness Act Sparks Hysteria on Campus

The US Senate has unanimously passed the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, introduced by US Senators Tim Scott (R-SC) and Bob Casey (D-PA). If approved by the House, the bill will give the US Department of Education the statutory tools to examine anti-Semitic incidents in the broadest and effective way possible.

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Photo Credit: Dr. Salem Abdel Galil's Facebook page

Egyptian Scholar Predicts Marriage of Mohamed and Virgin Mary as Christians Rage On

A scholar from Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Dr. Salem Abdel Galil, has upset many Christians last week when he proclaimed on his television show that the "Virgin Mary" and the prophet Mohamed would marry in paradise, RT reported on Saturday.

In the typically anachronistic style of the Quran, where characters from different historic eras meet one another (who can forget the encounter between the Pharaoh and Haman, the latter mentioned as part of the court of Pharaoh during Moses' visit), Abdel Galil told his viewers that "the Prophet himself pointed to the high position of Maryam (Mary). She was chosen among the wives of both worlds. Four women were chosen with Maryam. And Dr. Salem Abdel Galil Maryam is the first among them! And she will be the favorite wife of our prophet Mohammed in paradise, and she will be the first to enter heaven together with the greatest prophets. And not just with the prophets, but with the greatest prophets!" According to the Egyptian scholar, while Mary will be Mohamed's "senior wife," the rest of his polygamous family will consist of "Asiya, the wife of the pharaoh; and Khadija bint Khuwaylid [the first wife of the Prophet]." Also on hand will be "Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet. Peace and prayers to her and our prophet." The innovative teaching sparked the ire of the Coptic Church, and a priest named Abdel Massih, a professor of Christian apologetics at the Coptic seminary college, who told the newspaper Elaphinsisted that "according to the doctrine of Christianity and the Bible, we reject this opinion altogether because [it offends] the Virgin Mary." He explained that after giving birth as a virgin, Mary "will remain a virgin to no end". Also, according to the Christian faith, folks who make it up to Paradise "do not marry nor are given in marriage, but they become angels of God in heaven, for they are the children of the resurrection." According to RT, Nader Soubhi, representing the Christian Youth Movement for Orthodox Copts, demanded an apology for what he saw as an insult: "We Christians don't recognize any aspect of the Virgin Mary except her sanctity, her purity and her virginity. The Virgin Mary will never lose any of these."

Christian faith, folks who make it up to Paradise "do not marry nor are given in marriage, but they become angels of God in heaven, for they are the children of the resurrection."

The late Iranian Islamic scholar, Ali Dashti, wrote: ... According to the Cambridge Tafsir, the word thayyebat (widows or divorcees) refers to Pharaoh's wife Asiya, and the word virgins (abkar) refers to Jesus' mother Mary, both of whom are waiting to be married to the Prophet Mohammad in heaven. (Dashti, 23 Years: A Study of the Prophetic Career of Mohammad [Mazda Publishers, Costa Mesa, CA 1994], p. 138) And: It has already been mentioned that one Qor'an-commentary takes "widowed" to mean Pharaoh's wife Asiya and "virgin" to man Jesus' mother Mary, and states that both will be married to the Prophet in heaven; since the Qor'an says nothing to this effect, the only significance of the statement is that it illustrates the mentality of the commentator. (Ibid., p. 144) There is a note indicating what the Cambridge Tafsir is: 43 The Library of the University of Cambridge possesses the unique manuscript of the third part of a Persian Tafsir (Qor'an commentary and translation) written by an unknown author probably ca. 1000 A.D. and copied in 628/1231. It covers suras 19-114 and is the only surviving part. It is thought to be the oldest work of its kind in the Persian language. The text was printed by the Bonyad-e Farhang-e Iran, Tehran , 1349/1970 (2 vols, ed. and introd. by Jalal Matini) This means that Muhammad believed that he would be married to our blessed Lord's mother and have sexual intercourse with her in Paradise! Such an idea not only shocks Christians, but actually exposes the sick perversions of this religion. We are thankful to God that Islam is not true and Muhammad is not God's prophet. Mary will never be married to Muhammad, nor will she be married to anyone else in Paradise, since the Holy Bible, God's true and pure word, teaches: "Jesus replied, ‘The people of this age marry and are given in marriage. But those who are considered worthy of taking part in that age and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage, and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels. They are God's children, since they are children of the resurrection.'" Luke 20:34-36

The Muslims are such idiots. They try to hijack Judiasm and Christianity and twist the Torah and the Christian Bible to suit their twisted views on religion.

Researchers uncover vast numbers of unknown Nazi killing fields

The Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, set for completion in 2025, has now documented 42,500 sites of Nazi persecution over eight times more than predicted. And the number keeps on rising

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How the Third Temple is Being Built Today

Last week, the Temple Institute released the second video in their "Holy Temple Myth- busters" series, titled "Falling from Heaven". Rabbi Chaim Richman, the institute's interna tional director, opened the video with the question, "The Bet Hamikdash (Temple) is sup posed to come down from heaven: true or false?"

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Bolivian Schindler saved some 9,000 lives during Holocaust, papers show

Out of dusty old documents found in a La Paz, Bolivia warehouse has come out the extraordinary story of Mauricio Hochschild, a German immigrant and mining tycoon who helped thousands of Jews escape from the Nazis in the late 30s. Hailed by the local media as the "Bolivian Schindler," Hochschild left behind a trove of files and photographs that document his leading role in saving at least 9,000 lives. In many cases he paid for their travel and initial accommodations out of his own pocket.

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2,000 Year Old Road Excavated near Bet Shemesh

A wide and impressive 2,000-year-old road dating to the Roman period, in an extraordinary state of preservation, was revealed last February in archaeological excavations of the Israel Antiquities Authority near Highway 375. The excavation was conducted prior to laying a water pipeline to Jerusalem, at the initiative of, the Bet Shemesh water corporation “Mei Shemesh.” Students from “Ulpanat Amit Noga” in Ramat Bet Shemesh volunteered to participate in the dig.

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Herod The Great

Often we think of Herod the Great in relation to ancient Rome. We understand the king as steadfast in his loyalty to this western imperial power and rightly so. Herod's behavior routinely betrayed his Roman interests, and inscriptions attest to and advertise this allegiance by identifying him with such titles as "Friend of the Romans." It is entirely appropriate then to apply the modern label "Roman client king" to Herod, as scholars have done for so long.

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Rounding Up And Locking Down George Soros

Is there anything good that can be said about George Soros? Doing my research, it would appear that there isn't. Not in my memory has there been a person so devoted to disruption, corruption, and perversion(of the political kind) as he is. Starting with his collaboration with the Nazis, aiding in the extermination of his fellow Jews and countrymen. Through his financial dealings, including "breaking the bank" of England, and manipulating the money of different countries, he has amassed a huge fortune and is one of the richest men in the world.

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Passover Guide for the Perplexed

Moses' "Let my people go" paved the road to the Exodus. In 1850, it became a code song for black slaves, who were freed by Harriet Tubman's ("Mama Moses") "Underground Railroad." Paul Robeson and Louis Armstrong enhanced its popularity through the lyrics: "When Israel was Egypt's land, let my people go! Oppressed so hard they could not stand, let my people go! Go down Moses, way down in Egypt's land; tell old Pharaoh to let my people go." On December 11, 1964, upon accepting the Nobel Prize, Martin Luther King, Jr., "the Moses of his age", said: "The Bible tells the thrilling story of how Moses stood in Pharaoh's court centuries ago and cried, 'Let my people go!'"

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An Approaching Point of Crisis

Late on Friday, March 17th, Israeli fighter jets crossed the Syrian border and carried out bombing raids against targets located in or near Palmyra. It represents the most northerly point Israel have ever attacked in Syria since the beginning of the civil war in 2011. It is believed Israel were targeting Hezbollah advanced weapons transfers.

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March Of The Living

As Holocaust Survivors Disappear, 10,000 Youths, 12 European Education Ministers to Partake in March of the Living

How will we continue to instill the memory of the Holocaust in the younger generation, in a world without survivors? That will be the focus of a special gathering, initiated by March of the Living International and the Austrian Federal Minister for Education, Dr. Sonja Hammerschmid, to be held on the eve of Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Day, in Krakow.

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Awake O Zion


Kenneth Gallaher

P.O. Box 172 Dumaguete City 6200 Negros Oriental Philippines

Phone 09267241765
