Yahweh says "that I will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. It will be through you all of the families of the earth will be blessed"

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Video about the birth of the state of Israel.

Birth of Israel

Anti Semitism

The MV Struma was a small iron-hulled ship built in 1867 as a ststeam-powered schooner, but was later re-engined with an unreliable second-hand diesel engine. In 1941, it was tasked with safely transporting an estimated 781 Columnist Between its departure from Constanta on the Black Sea on Dec. 12, 1941 and arrival in Istanbul on Dec. 15, the vessel's engine failed several times. On Feb. 23, 1942 with her engine still not running but the refugees aboard, Turkish authorities towed the Struma from Istanbul through the Bosporus out to the Black Sea. On the morning of Feb. 24, the Soviet submarine Shch-213 torpedoed the Struma, killing all but one of the refugees and 10 crew aboard. Until this year Turkey, one of the main culprits, had only once commemorated the victims.

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Priests Practice For Third Temple

"Also in the day of your gladness, and in your appointed seasons, and in your new moons, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt-offerings, and over the sacri‐ fices of your peace-offerings; and they shall be to you for a memorial before your God: I am the LORD your God."Numbers 10:10 (The Israel Bible)

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Jesus Was Born A Jew

Jesus is a real, historical person, born in the Land of Israel, during the Roman occupation, in approximately the year 3 BCE. However, at the time His name was actually pronounced, "Yeshua," and that is the name used in this article.

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BDS: Squeezing Palestinians to Hurt Israel

At the core of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (BDS) is economic warfare meant to delegitimize and marginalize Israel. But the fatal fallacy of the movement is rooted in the fact that its proponents are hurting the very constituency they claim to represent.

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Here is a link to a good website.Torah class.com

Iran Forms New 'Liberation' Army To Eradicate Israel

Hezbollah is Iran's terror proxy

Retired General Mohammad Ali Falaki, who is currently one of the Iranian forces leaders in Syria, has recently revealed that Iran has formed a "Shiite Liberation Army" led by Quds Force commander, General Qassem Soleimani in order to wipe out Israel.

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Messianic Jews in US Targeted by Islamic Hit-List, Ignored by Media

But the Messianic angle of the story never got out. In media coverage, the adjective identifying our community was uniformly deleted.

On July 5, the counter-terrorism consulting firm SITE Intelligence Group issued an alert that a pro-ISIS hacker group calling itself the United Cyber Caliphate had published a list of targets in the USA, with calls to independent jihadists to “kill them all”.

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Apartheid Week really does threaten Israel, some experts warn

Going against prevailing wisdom, pro-Israel voices sound the alarm on Students for Justice in Palestine’s flagship project, saying the annual campus onslaught fuels attacks on Jewish students, erodes support for Israel

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Anti-Semitic BDS Movement Shuts Down Pro-Israel Perspectives on Campus

Only days into the new school year, and already anti-Israel activists are making a splash on college campuses from one corner of the country to the other. Two reports today confirm that activists with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, commonly referred to as the BDS Movement, are maintaining their efforts to silence any voices that may express pro-Israel positions on campuses.

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This is quite controversial. As far as this writer can determine Henry Ford was an anti-Semite from whom many of the Nazis obtained their anti-Semitism from.

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Floor tiles found in holy site rubble said to be from Second Temple

Over 100 marble fragments definitively identified as part of elaborate decoration from Herod's temple, archaeologists say

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Hundreds of lavish stone floor tiles believed to have decorated the Second Temple in Jerusalem have been identified in rubble removed from the Temple Mount,archaeologists announced Tuesday.


Islam and Anti-Semitism in Malaysia

Malaysia, a majority-Muslim country in Southeast Asia, is rapidly turning to Islamic fundamentalism through the state's sharia-like legal system and the country's growing number of Islamic militant sympathizers. Malaysia's government is a federal parliamentary democracy under an elected constitutional monarchy. The country of more than 30 million people is made up of 13 states and three federal territories. It is a multi-ethnic country: Malay Sunni Muslims make up 50.1% of the population, Chinese people make up 23.6%, indigenous people 11.8% and Indians 6.7 %. However, the Malaysian Constitution declares Islam alone to be the official religion.

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We Never Left


Many Americans, both hostile and friendly to the Jewish homeland, wrongly believe that "the Romans exiled the Jews."

Early in his first term, President Obama told the whole world in his speech from Cairo: "It is easy to point fingers for Palestinians to point to the displacement brought by Israel's founding."

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Face of a tyrant


Rare 1st century gold coin bearing the image of Roman Emperor Nero is found in Jerusalem It dates back to 56 AD - 14 years before the Romans destroyed Jerusalem The discovery is the first golden coin of its kind to be found in the area The coin bears the face of Emperor Nero, who led the Roman empire 54-68 AD

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Ancient City Unearthed Where David Battled Goliath


Archaeologists believe they have found thelocation of the battle between David and Goliath, narrated in the Book of Samuel, in a mysterious two-gated city from the early 10th century.

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Antishariah Blog

White Race

White Race, you've been foolish. You believed the lie of multiculturalism, thinking it to be a route to an enlightened humanity. You accepted the diversity agenda, even as, year on year, it ate at the roots of your own Tree. You've been misled, White man, White woman. Too kind, you flung open the doors to your own inner chamber, and now the robber, the barbarian and the madman have subjugated you.

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European Jews are 'too afraid to go to synagogue on religious holidays due to fears of anti-semitic attacks'


European Jews are too afraid to go to the synagogue on religious holidays because of the rise in anti-semitic attacks and terror threats, a poll has revealed.

The survey found that 70 per cent of Jews will avoid going to the synagogue on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur this year - despite increased security measures.

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