Yahweh says "that I will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. It will be through you all of the families of the earth will be blessed"

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Facts about BDS

The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement (BDS) is a bigoted global propaganda campaign against Israel. It is the newest weapon in the ongoing effort to eliminate Israel as the democratic state of the Jewish people. BDS brands itself as a progressive human rights movement, but nothing could be further from the truth. BDS an extremist agenda which is anti-peace, anti-justice, and anti-human rights.

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Pat Condell-Useful Idiots for Palestine


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For many of us, the highlight of the High Holidays is being able to spend time with family and loved ones, celebrating together the beginning of a new year. It is a time we look forward to with hope and optimism.

Imagine spending the High Holidays far from your family and loved ones. Imagine instead spending Rosh Hashanah doing one of the most dangerous and necessary jobs in the world: protecting Israel, its people, and the Jewish people worldwide.

That is what the young men and women of the IDF experience every single year. That's why we are asking you to send a Rosh Hashanah ecard for those soldiers, today.

It is the sacrifice of these soldiers that enables us to celebrate this Rosh Hashanah and every holiday openly and freely. As those exceptionally brave soldiers spend their holiday protecting and defending Israel's people, values, and way of life, let's show them that we are thinking of them during these sacred days.

Help bring some joy and cheer to the soldiers of the IDF by sending your Rosh Hashanah ecard today and wishing them a sweet New Year.

Send a Rosh Hashana ecard to IDF soldiers


The recently published platform of Black Lives Matter (BLM) states that Israel is responsible for "the genocide taking place against the Palestinian people," and "Israel is an apartheid state ... that sanction[s] discrimination against the Palestinian people." These statements are anti-Semitic not only because they are false and modern versions of tradition anti-Semitic blood libel, but also because BLM selectively chooses the Jewish State out of all the states in the world to demonize. What has inspired BLM to engage in this counter-factual, anti-Semitic rant?

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Obama's November Surprise

by Gregg Roman The Hill September 26, 2016

There is growing speculation that President Obama will spring a diplomatic surprise on Israel during the interregnum between the U.S. presidential election on Nov. 8 and his departure from office in January.

Some say the surprise will be a speech laying down parameters for a final settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian dispute or some type of formal censure of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, but the scenario generating most discussion is a decision to support, or perhaps not to veto, a UN Security Council resolution recognizing a Palestinian state.

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Iran claims it has missiles that can hit Israel

A senior commander in Iran's Revolutionary Guards said Tuesday that Iran is in possession of missiles that can hit Israel. Iran's Press TV quoted Commander of the IRGC’s Aerospace Division Brigadier General Amirali Hajizadeh as telling reporters that “we do not need missiles with a range of over 2,000 kilometers. The longest range required for [Iran’s] missiles is the [Israeli] occupied lands.”The commander warned that “the Zionist regime is our biggest target.” Hajizadeh stated that Iran's Zolfaqar tactical ballistic missile was set to become operational in March of 2017, which is the end of the current Iranian calendar year. The Zolfaqar can carry several warheads and has a range of 750 kilometers, according to Press TV. The missile can carry out precision attacks against airport tarmacs and targets on the ground.

Yom Teru'ah

A Holy Convocation of Remembrance

M. Rosen

The Lord's appointed times, or mo'adim (מועדים), are unique commemorative gatherings that He gave to the children of Israel shortly after their exodus from Egypt.

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Congress Must Act to Prevent Unilateral Move to Create Palestinian State


by Clifford Smith The American Spectator September 30, 2016

President Obama is rumored to be considering a major reversal of decades-long U.S. policy toward Israel by supporting a UN Security Council resolution that unilaterally recognizes a Palestinian state before a peace agreement is negotiated between Israel and the Palestinians. Congress must act to counter this bold and reckless move that endangers Israel's security and America's strategic interests.

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Hillery No Friend To Israel


Hillary Clinton supports Israel when she needs the Jewish vote and campaign contributions. As Secretary of State, she was the architect of the policy of the most anti-Israel president since the rebirth of Israel in 1948.

Hillary Clinton has a lifetime of anti-Israel positions. She said she was a big supporter of Israel when she was in the U.S. Senate, when she needed campaign contributions from American Jews and New York’s Jewish voting bloc. She has not been pro-Israel since her resignation from the Senate to become Secretary of State in January 2009.

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The Real Location of the First, Second, and the Third Holy Temple, Which Is Soon to Be Built, Is Only on the Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem

The Location of the Holy Temple Mount on Mount Moriah Was Appointed by the G‑D of Israel to Be the Location of His Holy Temple and No Person or Power Can Ever Change It. Any Alternative Location That Has Recently Been Suggested Is Absolutely Wrong

(This article includes the personal experience of Gershon Salomon on the Holy Temple Mount during the Six Day War.)

In the following article we are going to bring to your attention one of the most important topics which is deeply connected to end-time godly events that we are currently experiencing. The article was written after a long period of research by the Temple Faithful Movement and it will be of greater length than other newsletters that we have sent. We want to bring your attention to evidence and facts that are scientifically based and that compliment the historical, biblical, and archaeological descriptions of past events that took place on the Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem. All of this has been used as a basis for the preparations of the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement and of Israel for the building of the Third Holy Temple in the lifetime of our generation. The Third Holy Temple is going to be an House of Prayer and Worship for Israel and all nations. Israel is called by G‑d to build the Third Holy Temple and everyone in the world should become a part of this holy project especially the Lovers of Zion and Israel. We shall be more than glad to hear from you regarding your responses to this article.

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Muslims Move Into Christian Neighborhood And Demand Christians Leave, Christians Say No, Muslims Take A Machine Gun And Brutally Murder The Local Pastor In Front Of His Home

By Andrew Bieszad on in Featured

Once upon a time, there were no Muslims in this area of the Philippines, only Christian. However, as soon as Muslims started moving into town, they immediately built a large mosque right next to the local church and demanded Christians to give them their land and leave. When the Christians said no, the Muslims took a machine gun, found the local pastor of that church, and brutally murdered him.

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European anti-Semites increasingly playing victim in classic ‘perpetrator inversion,’ says expert

If you thought you noticed increasing Jew-hatred online and in mainstream European media, you were right — and Professor Monika Schwarz-Friesel can quantify that scientifically

BY MARC NEUGROSCHEL October 5, 2016, 3:17 am

ERUSALEM — One of Europe’s most distinguished anti-Semitism researchers, Monika Schwarz-Friesel, has an alarming message: Scientific measures indicate a massive upsurge of Jew-hatred on the internet, as anti-Semitism reestablishes itself as an increasingly visible element in European mainstream discourse.

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It is Time to Break up the Quartet

The supranational body entrusted by the Sometimes called the "Spanish Quartet" or "Madrid Quartet," it was named for the 1991 Madrid Conference, which was the first step in the disastrous Oslo peace process that has increased Palestinian violence and harmed Israel. For different reasons, each of the four Quartet members is unqualified to negotiate an Israeli-Palestinian agreement. Half of the Quartet (the EU and the UN) has elected to champion the Palestinian cause and vilify Israel, and the other half has at least temporarily abdicated the moral ground necessary for the task. The time has come to disband the Quartet. world to negotiate a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, known as "the Quartet," has proven itself unworthy of that trust. I refer not to the "Arab Quartet" consisting of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, which in the current climate might actually be fairer to Israel than the other Quartet, consisting of the European Union, the United Nations, Russia and the United States.

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