Quotes From The Jewish Book of Why

Monday 9th April

I thought it might be interesting to quote some material from the Jewish Book Of Why.



Why is it necessary to change dishes on Passover?

It is not necessary to change all dishes on Passover. Crockery dishes, which are absorbent, have to be replaced for the duration of the holiday. Glasses and pyrex dishes and others that are nonavsorbent can be soaked in hot water, thoroughly scoured, and then set aside for twenty four hours. This process of "making kosher" is called kashering. The same holds true for eating utensels: metal spoons, forks and knives can be kashered; wooden or porcelain utensils cannot, since not all particles of chametz (leaven) can be removed from the latter.

By Alfred J. Kolatch



Kenneth Gallaher

P.O. Box 172 Dumaguete City 6200 Negros Oriental Philippines

Phone 09266688266
