Yahweh says "that I will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. It will be through you all of the families of the earth will be blessed"

This is an Exciting Greeting from the House of King David

Recently, an unprecedented archeological find was made among the rubble removed from the Temple Mount. This rare discovery, made by archeologists Dr. Gabriel Barkay and Tzachi Sweig while sifting this rubble is a broken seal, impression, or "bulla" written in Hebrew from the time of the First Temple. It was discovered among the soil that the Arabs removed from the Temple Mount during illegal diggings in the area of Solomon’s Stables. The discovery of the seal created great excitement in Israel. The seal is less than one centimeter and was made of baked mud. It was drawn on a string that tied documents and letters. One of the names on the seal is Yehukal ben Shelamyahu written in ancient Hebrew letters ("yehu" is one of the names of God). Dr Barkay stated that this is a direct greeting from the house of King David. He dated the seal to the 6th century B.C.E. He also said that we could learn new things from the three lines on the seal. The importance of this discovery is that this is the first time that we have a written artifact with Hebrew text from the First Temple age discovered at the Temple Mount.

The rubble that Dr. Gabriel Barkay and Tzachi Sweig have been sorting through for the last few months was removed from the Temple Mount by the Arabs and dumped in the area of the Kiddron Valley. The rubble came from their digging on the Temple Mount when they built an illegal mosque in the holy area of Solomon's Stables (which was never a stable but was an important part of the Second Temple complex). These diggings by the Arabs were undertaken on the Temple Mount to destroy the remains from the First and Second Temple and to convert the Jewish Temple Mount to an Islamic site. This is a terrible desecration of the holy hill of God, His holy Temple, and His holy Name. It is a terrible crime against God and people of Israel and the entire world. When they dumped the rubble from the Temple Mount they not only wanted to desecrate the God of Israel, His holy Temple and Name but also to disdain Him.

The late Director of the Israeli Antiquities Authority, Amir Drori stated that it is an archeological crime against the Jewish people and the whole world. The Israeli Attorney General, Eliakim Rubenstein, stated that it was a kick on the history of the Jewish people. It is a shame that the Israeli authorities and the world have done nothing to stop the judgment of God will soon come upon not only the Arabs and Muslims on the TempleMount who did this barbaric anti-godly crime but upon all of those who ignored it. The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement made a petition to the Israeli Supreme Court to immediately stop this terrible crime and to prosecute the Arabs who did it.

Unfortunately, the Supreme Court did not stop this or prosecute the criminals who did it in the name of the terrorist, so-called, "Palestinian" Authority and the Arab countries. They did it as a part of their battle to destroy Israel and to deny that the Temple Mount, Jerusalem and the land of Israel were given by the God of the universe to His chosen people Israel only in an eternal covenant. They have never learned from the experience of other nations who tried to fight against the God and people of Israel only to be defeated and disappear from the stage of history. The same will happen to them. The judgment of the G-d of Israel will soon come upon them as well and it will be even more terrible. He will never allow anyone to stop His plans for the redemptive process of the world.

Other scientists have also found many remains by sifting though these disgarded diggings. Among them were 300 coins from the Second Temple age. The first coin discovered in the ruble has special, symbolic significance. This is a coin from the year 67 C.E., the second year of the great revolt when the Israelis were seeking redemption, independence and purification of the Temple from the Romans. This coin is a greeting from a very critical time in Israeli history. The discovery of this coin closed a historical circle. The generation of the destruction and the generation of the redemption of Israel met at an exciting moment when Israel is once again a nation. On one side of this coin there is a "jug" with writing "the second year" (meaning the second year of the revolt). On the other side appears a vine leaf with writing "freedom of Zion", written in ancient Hebrew writing. Some other items, found in the soil from the Temple Mount, include:

The head of an arrow used by the Babylonians when they attacked the Temple Mount, on the head of the arrow remained some pieces of the wood from the original arrow and the nail that held the head onto the arrow.

A broken piece of pottery with painted writing which includes only one Hebrew letter (Mem) in an ancient Hebrew script. The script was probably complete before the Arabs broke it during their diggings on the Temple Mount.

Also found was a broken piece of beautiful Hebrew Herodic stone decoration, possibly a part of a pillar or other item of the Temple.

An especially touching discovery was a mouthpiece of a Hasmoniac candleholder, because this piece was discovered at Hanukkah, the holiday of the Hashmonaim.

A fragment of colored mosaic flooring from the Second Temple age that covered one of the floors of the complex of the Temple Mount.

Parts and pieces of marble pillars probably remains of the pagan Roman temples that the Romans built on the Temple Mount after the destruction of the Jewish Temple. These pagan Temples were later destroyed.

These exciting discoveries on the Temple Mount and in the City of King David at this particular time points to God's direct intervention. These are messages from the God of Israel to His people to understand and to accept the godly times in which we are living. He is so eager to send Maschiach ben David to rule over Israel and the world. This is a clear message from God that we are in the end times and that all the end-time prophetic events are focused on the Temple Mount, the City of David and biblical Jerusalem; the capital of Israel is the capital of the God of the Israel and the universe as well. Everyone is called to lift his eyes to the Temple Mount and biblical Jerusalem for other exciting discoveries and events that will change the life of Israel and the entire world. «

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